Retreat FAQs

Things to bring with you:

Excitement and your true selves. Not everyone knows each other (yet!) but God has brought this specific group of women together to experience Him in a deeper way, so don’t be nervous. He’ll be there with his peace, comfort, and love.

Bible, notebook/journal, pens. You will likely want to take notes during ministry times.

Pillow, blanket for being cozy and comfy.

Water bottle.

$1 bills for “trading” ($20-$40 total). Based on spiritual law of sewing and reaping. All weekend, there will be open trading. Like a stock market trade, you are exchanging an asset (currency) for a “share” in a company. Only this company is the Kingdom, and you want to see a return in your own heart.

What to wear:

Minimal – only the necessities. Casual clothes or loungewear perfectly acceptable. The point is to be relaxed and comfortable. (If your retreat specifies offsite dinners in the schedule, you may want to bring attire suitable for restaurant dining.) Nothing formal required.

Tennis shoes and jacket if you want to walk the grounds in your free time. 

A few toiletries (i.e. toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, deodorant, body wash). Light make-up.


DAILY Schedule:

A continental breakfast is served between 830-930 am on Friday & Saturday mornings. We will gather in the main living area directly following breakfast.

Our days will run from 10 am to 10 pm. We will have meal breaks and reflection breaks throughout the day, but most of your time will be spent in sessions.

There will be not formal time slotted for exercise, so if you would like to workout, we recommend doing so before breakfast or during lunch break.

Meals & Snacks:

We are not a gluten-free/nut-free kitchen, nor do we have a chef on staff. We do, however, serve a variety of options to meet most people’s dietary needs. 

Food is an important part of fellowship, so we do our best to serve healthy, filling, and delicious meals and snacks that everyone can enjoy. 

Bring your own specialty beverages (i.e. pop, energy drink, espresso, sparkling water, etc.). Water will be provided, but bring whatever else you like that will make your time more enjoyable.

Please email us before registering, if you have strict dietary needs or food allergies. 

Sleeping Arrangements:

You will likely be sharing a bed/room with other people. We try to pair people up in beds/rooms that know each other. You can indicate on the Reservation Form who you know and we will do our best to pair you. Please know that we cannot guarantee your request, but we will do our very best to make everyone comfortable.

Please let us know if you have special sleeping needs: snoring, c-pap, trouble going up/down stairs. 

You will be using shared bathrooms. Linens & towels are provided.


Address: Once registered, you will receive the actual address in an email the week before the retreat.

Air & Ground Travel Info: we will also provide info on the nearest airport and ground travel availability.

Please email if flying, as we may be able to coordinate rides for you with our team.


You can find your specific arrival/departure times in the description of the event you purchased. You should also receive an email with this specific information in it as it gets closer to your event.

Late Arrival/Early Departure needs:

Please plan to be present for the entire retreat. If you would need to arrive late or leave early we kindly ask that you consider coming to another retreat that would work better for your schedule. It is vital to the process for you and for the group, that you are committed to being fully present for every part of the weekend—beginning to end. (Email us if it's a close call and you’d like our recommendation to

Cell Phone Policy:

We will ask you to power down your phone for the entire time. The intent of this weekend is to “set apart” time with the Lord. So in order to get the full benefit from it, we highly encourage you to completely disconnect.

There will be opportunities to check your phone in the evenings or during breaks, but even then, sometimes events at home can interrupt your process.


At the time of making your reservation, we give you the option to make a one-time full payment; or split it into two partial-payments.

The partial payment option will not be honored within 3 weeks of retreat. Full payment is required 1 week prior to retreat.

*additional fee may be required for dietary restrictions (unless you want to bring your own main meal options) Email us to talk more about your needs at

cancellation policy:

Do to the intimate nature of these events, we have a limited number of spots available to participants. When you reserve a spot, that spot becomes closed to others, and we are counting on you being there. Therefore, we require a minimum of 2 weeks notice to cancel your reservation in order to receive a full refund. If less than a 2 weeks notice is given, no refund will be issued.

We understand there are times where true emergencies occur that keep you from being able to attend or cancel with the required 2 weeks notice. Please email us and discuss this with us and we can work with you to make arrangements.

Preparing to receive

What Is A “retreat” all about?:

Retreat means, to pull back. This is a time for us to intentionally withdraw from our regular routines, schedules, responsibilities to intentionally enter into the presence of the Lord.

It is a set apart time to seek the face of God, to process your heart with Him, and allow Holy Spirit to do a deep work in you. Through worship, corporate sharing, teachings, and ministry we have designed this time to deepen your intimacy with the Lord.

What is Vulnerability?

Being vulnerable in front of others can feel uncomfortable — like being naked. But this is essential in bringing that which is hidden into the light. When the things we stuff down or hide are exposed to the light, the fear and shame attached to them lose their power over us. Vulnerability is a wonderful tool we can use to bring healing and freedom, and to live in the light.

Our Father in Heaven will be covering us with His great love as we come in our transparency. Under the covering of our Father, we can come “naked & unashamed”.

Are you willing to face your pain?

We will invite you to do some “heart work” and this may require you to face some of the trauma you’ve been trying to forget. We understand this is hard and can be messy. That’s okay. We want you to be free to bring your emotions, pain, frustrations, needs, desires and dreams honestly to the Lord. He can handle you just as you are. This is the time to acknowledge it and invite the Lord come heal it for good.


Allowing Jesus to be Lord of your life is essential in being able to receive all that He wants to do for you during our events. The love and power of the Holy Spirit can truly transform your life, but He will not force himself on anyone. You must invite Him in.

He already knows everything about you — every high, every low — and He wants you still! He is radically in love with you and wants to bring you into His rest.


Is Jesus Christ truly the Lord of your life? Has your will yielded to His plans, direction, and care for your life? Or are you still sitting on the throne of your life?

God truly can heal every hurt, break every form of oppression, lead you deeper out on the water; but it takes a surrendered mind, will, and heart that is postured to receive from Him.

ARE YOU WILLING TO COME HUMBLY AND let the Lord do whatever he wants to?

A lot of people come to a gathering and have an expectation of what they want to happen. They put parameters around themselves and want God to move like this or like that.

But a heart that is truly humble, comes saying, “God, whatever you want to do… whatever it looks like… I just want more of you. I give you permission to move however you want to.” This is the best posture to be ready to receive all that He has for you.


Receiving inner healing and deliverance without a desire to maintain a relationship with Jesus Christ is foolish and futile.

The best candidates for breakthrough and transformation are those who are truly ready to guard their new found freedom and turn away from false identities, mindsets and sin.

The Holy Spirit will do HIS part, but our hearts must be ready to do our part by daily aligning ourselves with the Holy Spirit in walking out a changed life.

Are you willing to stretch yourself?

Aspects of this gathering may invite you to be stretched beyond your usual comfort level. Whether that be worship styles, teachings, activities, vulnerability, etc. Staying open to trusting the Lord and leaning in to the process is the best approach to receiving more. This is your chance to push beyond the barriers of “what-has-always-been” and experience the Lord in a new way.