More about us

Elie Stovall

Elie, a wife and mother of three, lives in Lincoln, Nebraska where she is currently living her dream as a Kingdom entrepreneur full-time. “My first first real encounter with Holy Spirit came thirty years after I received Jesus Christ as my Savior. He met me in my back yard of all places. That moment changed my life forever! Now, I want everyone to know that the power of Jesus Christ is really real! He can really transform your heart! He can really set you free!”

After spending 15 years in the corporate sector of Employee Engagement & Workplace Culture holding various roles in operations, customer success, and leadership; the Lord invited her to come be a leader for His Kingdom.

In addition to her professional experience, Elie has 10+ years of combined seminary education and ministry training.

Education & certifications

Christian Leadership College, 2 Year Program for Ministry Leaders

Lincoln Berean Church; Lincoln, NE


Masters Degree Program in Philosophy & Apologetics, 2 Years of Degree Completed

Southern Evangelical Seminary; Charolette, NC


Prophetic Consulting Certified

School Director/Trainer Certified

Prophetic Ministry Certified

“Elie Stovall has successfully passed the requirements for certification and I am excited to recommend her.”

Keith Ferrante, Emerging Prophets Founder

Margriet Leach, Emerging Prophets Director

Continued Training & Development

Inner Heart Healing - Elise Tarango, Prophetic Heart Healing

Dark Horse Deliverance School - Jennifer Martin, Contagious Love International


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